Team work optimisation for business success

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) need to cover the breadth of disciplines that a large company does but with a fraction of the staff. This requires a different ethos; one where the company can cut out the noise, focus on what really matters as a team and right-size their business practices.
In some ways this has been made easier with off-the-shelf business apps and messaging tools like Slack. However, often it can be easier to revert to off-system processes or spreadsheets as SMEs try to stitch various tools together where the company needs only a fraction of the capability.
One of the most mature SaaS domains, sales management, a survey we carried out found 54% of SMEs are wasting time and money on over-complicated sales management tools according to research among 250 UK SMEs.
We started with lots of spreadsheets and work management tools (like Trello and Now we use modlify in most cases, enabling us to build right-size data and processes. Our use cases include product management, delivery management, sales and SaaS spend management amongst others. It has enabled us to be more collaborative, more focused and better-run.
Where is modlify relevant?
This is where it sounds too good to be true! It can apply to any business data or process, because you define the model, with the help of templates. Unlike other tools that describe the entities and you try to modify them to suit you; with Modlify you can focus on the data that matters to you.
Its probably easiest to explain with a few examples.
Some real life examples.
A business wants to market test a product to assess potential product market fit. Their chosen approach is to identify and engage a relevant audience and run 1:1 sessions with them. Within a few minutes on the modlify platform a simple lead management scenario can be put in place; one that focused on feedback, progress tracking and contributor engagement; built specific to this product market fit exercise.
A startup company wants to put in place a simple process for competitor analysis. Its a critical success factor to have clarity on this but its also important not to overthink it. Desk research is one approach but using modlify you can rapidly model competitors, the niche they fit in, your differentiators etc.
A growing company is exploring partnerships: identifiying potential partnerships, exploring and capturing how that partnership makes sense for joint customers and both partners. With modlify, lightweight collaborative processes can be put in place to identify and manage partnership opportunities.
There are so many scenarios where companies want to take a right-size, personalised approach. We have really just touched the surface with these examples.
Its time to look at business management in a less siloed way; one that encourages collaboration and process evolution. Keep the data and processes simple to start with and let them evolve. At modlify, we believe that right-size, personalised ways of working sits at the heart of differentiated businesses.
modlify is designed to flex as a company grows. We also recognise that not everything a business does should be built for the long-term; one-off exercises are a part of every business and shouldn't resort to emails, DMs and spreadsheets.
modlify has been built with people and process at its heart, enabled through highly flexible business data that deliver focused workspaces.
Storry concludes by explaining why modlify: “Its time to stop being hamstrung by siloed business software and to create a more collaborative, agile way of working across the business and with partners. modlify is on a mission to enable every company to run better through flexible, collaborative business management software."